Dir: Ross Cramer
Starring: Leonard Rossiter and Lynda Bellingham
A commuter’s race to work narrated in the style of a horse race
This short little comedy is rather amusing, with plenty of early scenes taking place at stations and on trains, the majority of which are blue and grey-liveried Class 423 4 VEP’s. The film opens with commuters waiting on platform 1 at Surbiton station where we see a train arriving on headcode 10 with unit 7720 leading. We then see unit No.7735 departing with an older plain blue EPB or similar on the front with another train of SR express stock approaching in the distance. There then follows a lengthy scene filmed onboard which sees the cameraman do well in keeping movement to a minimum as the train bucks and rolls its way towards London! Views out of the window during this sequence show passing blue-liveried 2-car EPB’s and a train of London Underground D stock at Wimbledon before an arrival into Waterloo where we see more trains, in this case a departing service formed of Class 421 4 CIG’s and another VEP arriving in the form of unit 7748 on headcode 63. The railway scenes conclude at Waterloo with commuters rushing to get out of the station although not too much of the actual station is shown. There is one final scene on the South Bank somewhere, with a blue 4 EPB passing behind Leonard Rossiter as it works a service towards Charing Cross.