1hr 44mins
Dir: Henry Potter
Starring: Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon
The Second World War is over, and the Miniver family are trying to keep themselves together in post-War Britain
This drama was the sequel to Mrs. Miniver (qv) and although it was not as widely well received as the original it is just as good, and dreadfully sad. When Greer Garson travels by train early on in the film it is entirely studio-bound, but back projection through the ‘window’ depicts scenes of an adjacent Underground line (either the Euston-Watford Junction section of the West Coast Main Line or the Jubilee line adjacent to the old Great Central out of Marylebone). A train of tube stock passes at one point, as well as a station. There is also one additional shot of a train unloading at a large terminus which is, as yet, not identified exactly, though it could be Marylebone.