1hr 39mins
Dir: Peter Howitt
Starring: Gwyneth Paltrow and John Hannah
When a high-flying executive misses an Underground train, we see how life would have unfolded had she caught it
This very successful romantic drama has its pivotal scene on the Waterloo & City Line, but not all is what it first appears to be as Gwyneth Paltrow seems to be somewhat lost! On her way to work, the actress is first seen leaving a train at the southbound platform of the Waterloo & City Line at Waterloo, only to then leave via the southern façade of Embankment station! After losing her job, she’s seen exiting the Waterloo & City Line platforms at Bank, into the passageway that leads to the Northern and Central Line platforms, only then to be seen going down the travolator to the same platforms she has just left! There is then a shot of Waterloo & City Line 1992-built stock coming into the westbound arrivals platform at Waterloo whilst she is still on the travolator at Bank before we get the next shot of her coming down one of the staircases from the National Rail station at Waterloo with the train still arriving. Then on the westbound W&C Line platform John Hannah boards the train, which is an interesting mistake because it is heading into the depot to reverse! In the scenario where Gwyneth Paltrow catches the train, there is a shot of 1992-built stock leaving the eastbound platform heading for Bank, which is in fact where her and John Hannah then arrive, only for the pair of them to walk out of an unidentified District Line station (said to be Fulham Broadway). And all these mistakes for a very simple scenario that lasts all of five minutes in the movie!! With thanks to Nick Cooper for the information on how this scene ‘panned out’. The screen shots bear witness to this.