Here Comes the Sun (1946) - IMDb

1hr 31mins
Dir: John Baxter
Starring: Bud Flanagan and Chesney Allen

A sports reporter on the run from police tries to clear his name

This is another Flanagan and Allen comedy musical that has good railway scenes. A journey to Blackpool is depicted with various stock shots of LMS excursions heading to the resort, with one hauled by an ex-L&YR Class 8 4-6-0 ‘Lanky Dreadnought’ and another by an LMS Fowler Class 4P 2-6-4T. There is also a shot of another excursion at Blackpool Central station arriving behind LMS Class 4P ‘Compound’ 4-4-0 No.1195. All these shots appear in other films, notably Sing As We Go (1934) but also Love on the Dole (1941).

This excursion is hauled by a former L&YR Class 8 4-6-0 ‘Lanky Dreadnought’. Although impressive in size and appearence, these locomotives were renowned for their sluggish performance, and were regarded as both poor steamers and poor runners by the footplate crews who worked them. This shot appears as part of a montage of images in Sing As We Go (1934) – qv.
This Edinburgh to Blackpool LMS excursion is in the capable hands of an Fowler Class 4P 2-6-4T, which probably took over the train at Preston. This is another shot that appears as part of a montage of images in Sing As We Go.
This third image looks down at an unidentified tender loco passing beneath the camera. Notice the driver on the footplate. This third image is yet again taken from Sing As We Go, but appears in that film in reverse.
The driver of LMS Class 4P ‘Compound’ 4-4-0 No.1195 keeps a sharp look out on the road ahead as he brings his excursion train into Blackpool Central station. This is another reused stock image, taken in this case from Love on the Dole (1941).
As the train moves down the platform, Blackpool Tower comes into view.