Image result for Emily 1976

1hr 27mins
Dir: Henry Herbert
Starring: Koo Stark and Victor Spinetti

A young girl’s sexual awakening in late 1920s England

This awful coming-of-age drama features opening scenic shots filmed on the Bluebell Railway. The three-coach train is hauled by ex-LBSCR A1X Class ‘Terrier’ 0-6-0T No.72 Fenchurch with an arrival scene filmed at Horsted Keynes station.

The opening scenic shot of Fenchurch and its train passing through the East Sussex countryside. Fenchurch will be familiar to readers of Thomas the Tank Engine as Stepney, the Bluebell Engine.
No.72 Fenchurch and train approaching the camera
There are some very good close up shots of the train at the beginning but most are obscured by the titles. Here we get proof of the locomotive’s identity, Fenchurch playing a starring role alongside Victor Spinetti
Fenchurch rolls gently into Horsted Keynes station at the end of its journey
Again, it is fairly unusual to see a shot outside Horsted Keynes station but this film duly obliged. Koo Stark awaits outside for her ride.