1hr 59mins
Dir: John Mackenzie
Starring: Michael Caine and Pierce Brosnan
A Russian spy attempts to set off a nuclear weapon in the UK
Based on the 1984 Frederick Forsyth novel of the same name, this Cold War spy film has some good scenes filmed on the London Underground using 1972-built tube stock (MkII trailer No.4351 is one vehicle), though they are a little confusing. It seems that the majority of filming took place at Charing Cross and Green Park stations on the Jubilee Line, with the former appearing as ‘Hyde Park Corner’. Later there is a fight scene filmed onboard 1972-built stock arriving into Aldwych, though as Michael Caine gets off the train there is a clear glimpse of a ‘Paddington’ station roundel. In addition, there is a very good scene filmed at London St Pancras station with Michael Caine alighting from a Rover 2000 that slides to a screeching halt on the platform just as a Class 312 EMU is departing, revealing an HST set behind. Caine races to board the departing EMU, and opens the cab door of the final vehicle as the train gathers speed. Another HST is briefly visible in the background during this exciting stunt which would probably not be allowed today. The EMU was a visitor to the station for filming as the type never usually ran into St Pancras, and there follows a brief scene filmed onboard. The unit was forming the ‘18:30 to Colchester’ and in an unusually good piece of continuity we see 312786 arriving at Colchester to complete the journey (though the route indicator blind reads Clacton). British Rail must have given some considerable co-operation to the producers during these scenes. The Colchester scene at night shows the unit ‘stopping short’ in the platform. It is in fact an eight-car formation and stops only just enough to allow Jiri Stanislav to exit onto the platform. The train then pulls out and it is clear that it is empty coaching stock as no one else is onboard. Meanwhile, as the train clears the shot we can see that Michael Caine has alighted onto the tracks to avoid detection as he is stood on the adjacent running line.