1hr 27mins
Dir: Gary Sherman
Starring: Donald Pleasence and Clive Swift
A cannibal descended from Victorian railway workers, dwells in disused London Underground tunnels
The disused British Museum tube station was mentioned in this film, but it is not the station portrayed as being the cannibal’s home. The station in question is named ‘Museum’ and is stated as being between Holborn and British Museum in a conversation between two police inspectors. Signs in the abandoned station also state ‘Museum’ as the name and a brief history of the City & South London Line is mentioned to give this station some historical background. Location filming actually took place at Aldwych station late at night with 1959-built tube stock prominent, and the rest was a studio set. In some scenes Aldwych masquerades as ‘Russell Square’ and the entrance to this station is seen in one shot. A nice macabre touch to this horror movie is that the main cannibal character only knows three words of English, ‘Mind the Doors!’, which he picked from having heard the guards of the tube trains calling!