2hrs 05mins
Dir: Joe Wright
Starring: Gary Oldman and Lily James
The fate of Western Europe hangs on the British Prime Minister who must decide whether to negotiate with the enemy or fight on
Despite this award-winning wartime drama being highly praised it does seem somewhat underwhelming. There is nothing new in this film’s approach which often feels like an obligation and a way to get a decent actor his Oscar. The scene filmed on the Underground unsurprisingly used Aldwych, masquerading on this occasion as St. James’s Park. The tube train which Oldman boards before gamely carrying out a conversation with his fellow passengers (did no one remember ‘that careless talk cost lives’) is in part a CGI creation, and in part a quite convincing set. The earlier scene with Gary Oldman and Lily James walking down an unlined Underground tunnel is a little more interesting and although not confirmed, was almost certainly filmed in the Aldwych / Holborn area.