1hr 21mins
Dir: Maurice Elvey
Starring: Claude Rains and Fay Wray
A fake clairvoyant has visions of disasters that come true
This drama features two railway journeys as part of the story. The first shows a motley collection of images combined in a montage: a close up of a Southern Railway loco pulling out of a station, a going-away shot of a train pulling out of a train shed (possibly Southampton Ocean Terminal), and shots of passing LNER teak carriages all interspersed with images of rolling track, moving motion, and driver’s eye views that include the approach to Middle Hill Tunnel, near Box. The second journey involves the prelude to a disaster though how much of this is real is difficult to ascertain. It would appear that most of the journey along with the railway tunnel and the signal box are studio sets, yet the external views of the teak carriages look real enough (or surprisingly good mock-ups). The only train actually identifiable in this instance is a grainy night time image of a passing express that may show an LNER A4 Class 4-6-2 at the helm, though the footage is poor.